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Our board-certified surgeons are experts in every aspect of colorectal disease.
Telehealth appointments are available.
Learn about our specialized transfusion-free surgical care services and procedures.
The mission of the USC Colorectal Surgery Program is to offer innovative treatments and compassionate care. We treat every type of colorectal disease, including inflammatory bowel disease (such as Crohn’s or ulcerative colitis) and colon and rectal cancer. We help manage malignant and benign diseases from colon polyps to anal cancer in a friendly, private setting.
We use minimally invasive techniques whenever possible. That means more colons spared, fewer permanent ostomy bags, and easier recoveries. We never stop working to give our patients better care and faster, more comfortable recoveries.
Inpatient discharges for colorectal procedures every year
Procedures performed with minimally invasive methods
Sphincter preservation rate with rectal cancer
Lower rate of serious SSIs than national average (2% vs. >8%)
Other surgical groups send us patients with polyps that they consider to be unresectable by minimally invasive means.
Out of 95 of these unresectable cases, we were able to remove the polyp 70% of the time, saving the colon.
We offer state-of-the-art technology and the latest advancements in care.
We use Enhanced Recovery After Surgery methods to reduce pain and opioid use.
We are national leaders in using minimally invasive and endoscopic techniques.
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