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5 Vasectomy Myths, Busted

If you’re done having kids (or don’t want to start), this procedure is an easy, foolproof and relatively painless solution…

4 Things You Should Know About Gallstones

Do you have severe abdominal pain? You could have gallstones. Learn more about the signs and symptoms. Tucked beneath your…

Meet Christine Hsieh, MD

Dr. Hsieh is a colorectal surgeon at Keck Medicine of USC, who specializes in minimally invasive surgery as well as…

5 Common Health Problems You Can Prevent

Take control of your health, with these tips on preventing common injuries and conditions. Many diseases strike without warning. Their…

Rare Eye Cancer Cases Found in Two States Leave Physicians Perplexed

Several people in both Alabama and North Carolina have been diagnosed with a rare eye cancer known as ocular melanoma.…

Can Vitamin D Help Relieve Your Rheumatoid Arthritis?

Upping your vitamin D intake has been shown to help with symptoms of rheumatoid arthritis. Vitamin D helps the body…

What Should You Do When You Find a New Mole?

Keeping track of your newfound mole should be a priority. Moles are totally normal. Most adults have between 10 and…

How to Tell If You Have Nasal Polyps

Do you have a runny or stuffed up nose? There might be more to your symptoms than just a head…

This Is What Your Excessive or Foul-Smelling Gas Could Mean

If there is one subject few people discuss, passing gas just might be it. Don’t let your embarrassment keep you…

Myth or Fact: Only Women Get Breast Cancer

If you guessed myth, you’re correct. Like women, men have breast tissue and, therefore, are also at risk for breast…

6 Signs That You Should See a Urologist

A urologist can help with bladder issues and pelvic pain in men and women, as well as sexual dysfunction and…

Is Colon Cleansing Dangerous?

It’s considered a natural way to detoxify the body, but does colon cleansing do more harm than good? If you’ve…