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Our renowned hematology-oncology specialists provide high-quality, personalized care for patients who need blood and marrow transplants.
Telehealth appointments are available.
Participating in a clinical trial gives you access to new and promising therapies.
Every day, USC Norris researchers are driving scientific discoveries.
Finding out you need a blood or marrow transplant can be challenging. Our USC Norris Blood and Marrow Transplant and Cell Therapy Program team provides coordinated, patient-focused care that’s tailored to your needs.
We bring together hematologists, oncologists, pulmonologists, cardiologists, radiation oncologists, neurologists and surgeons to safely deliver a wide range of treatment options, such as:
Our team is committed to helping you achieve better outcomes by offering you the next level of precision medicine and personalized care.
(323) 865-3000
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Our team has one of the best allogeneic transplant survival rates (90.3%) among similar programs in the nation.
We specialize in chemotherapy and CAR T-cell immunotherapy, which uses altered T-cells to help your body fight cancer.
We perform bone marrow and peripheral blood stem cell transplants for leukemia and lymphoma.
Our integrated, patient-centered approach to care helps us deliver shorter-than-average hospital stays, after blood and marrow transplants, and better clinical outcomes.
We are leaders in research, providing access to cutting-edge clinical trials and pioneering the latest treatment therapies.
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If you’ve ever thought about donating, please do so. You could save somebody’s life.
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