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We use this minimally invasive spine treatment to relieve neck nerve pain and associated arm pain and help you recover faster.
Telehealth appointments are available.
When a nerve in your neck is compressed by a bone or bulging spinal disc — the soft material between spine bones (vertebrae) — microscopic posterior cervical foraminotomy can relieve pain and other symptoms, such as tingling or numbness.
Our USC Spine Center surgeons use this innovative, minimally invasive neck pain surgery. It requires just a tiny incision in the back of your neck. Your surgeon removes part of a bone or disc, depending on what’s pressing on your nerve. The surgery creates more space for the nerve, relieving your pain.
Microscopic posterior cervical foraminotomy recovery time is much quicker than with traditional, open surgery. The incision is small, so there’s less tissue damage, pain and scarring.
We use this neck surgery to treat people with a small or moderate herniated disc or only a small area of bone pressing the nerve. This approach may not be right for those with severe neck pain, large herniated discs or neck curvature problems, like cervical kyphosis.
As an academic health center, we use the latest methods to treat neck pain — our surgeons are pioneers in minimally invasive approaches.
This innovative procedure requires just one or two days in the hospital — you get back to enjoying your life sooner.
You get personal attention from a physical therapist before you go home, giving you the information you need to recover safely.
You can expect a team approach to your care, with experts in spine surgery, pain management and rehabilitation, ensuring you get complete care.
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