
What Are the Signs of Angle Closure Glaucoma?

Patients with angle closure glaucoma may first notice intermittent headaches, eye pain, and halos around lights. Alternatively, they may have…

Find Answers to Frequently Asked Questions for Glaucoma Awareness Month

January is Glaucoma Awareness Month and the ophthalmologists at the USC Roski Eye Institute understand that the more people know…

Heart Disease Is the Biggest Threat to Women's Health. Many Don’t Even Know

Less than half of American women know the biggest threat to their health is heart disease. Learn more about it…

TAVR Procedure Offers Promise for Heart Patients

Specialists at Keck Medicine's USC Cardiac and Vascular Institute are revolutionizing treatment for aortic valve disease in a series of…

Spine Surgery Helps Busy Dad Bounce Back

Chris Hill is back to playing with his young daughters after Raymond Hah, MD, a spine surgeon at Keck Medicine…

5 Reasons Why You Might Have the Chills

Are chills serious? Shivering and goose bumps can accompany a wide range of conditions, from a too-cold environment to cancer.…

Illnesses You Can Pick Up at the Beach

You know to watch out for stingrays and sharks, but do you know about the bacteria and viruses you might…

What You Need to Know about Heat-related Illness

The summer sun may be a welcome relief after cooler weather, but rising temperatures bring their own dangers. Find out…

Your Body at 70

Who says you have to ‘age out’ of good health? With modern medicine and healthy choices, you can stay fit…

10 Surprising Facts About Kidney Stones

Do you know which part of the country is nicknamed the “Stone Belt”? Find out this and other fascinating facts…

How Cell Yell Could Be Harming Your Voice

It’s not just talking on your cell phone — all those conference calls and virtual meetings may also be taking…

Your Body at 50

Your 50s might bring some changes in your body — here’s how to handle what’s in store. We’ve all heard…