Nasim Sheikh-Bahaei, MD
Diagnostic Radiology, Neuroradiology
Telehealth appointments are available.
Dr. Sheikh-Bahaei is a double board-certified doctor in both internal medicine and radiology. She completed her internal medicine in Birmingham in 2008 and then diagnostic radiology residency at Cambridge University Hospital, UK 2012. After completing the radiology board, she was awarded a prestigious position as a Clinical Lecturer at the University of Cambridge, where she completed a combined neuroradiology fellowship and Ph.D. training during 2012-2018.
She has a stellar record of academic distinctions from the “Best Trainee Researcher award” to several scholarships such as the “Freer Scholarship (Cambridge University Hospitals, 2013) and Fearnside Scholarship (Cambridge University, 2016)”. Her Ph.D. and consequent research are mainly in the field of Alzheimer’s disease and other neurodegenerative disorders such as Parkinson's disease.
Currently, Dr. Sheikh-Bahaei is an Assistant Professor of Clinical Radiology at the University of Southern California. She has authored and co-authored several research articles and book chapters in radiology and neuroradiology. Dr. Sheikh-Bahaei is a member of the Editorial Board of the Journal of Clinical Nuclear Medicine and Associate Editor for the Journal of Alzheimer’s Disease. She is also a reviewer for many highly ranked medical journals. Dr. Sheikh-Bahaei is an active member American Society of Neuroradiology and Radiology Society of North America.
Diagnosis of disorders causing dementia, Degenerative disorders, Movement disorders, Headaches, Inflammatory, and Cancer diseases of the CNS.
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