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5 Ways a Lack of Sleep Can Become a Nightmare for Your Health

Not getting enough shut-eye can do more than make you cranky. You know what it’s like when you haven’t had…

How to Tell If You Have Nasal Polyps

Do you have a runny or stuffed up nose? There might be more to your symptoms than just a head…

This Is What Your Excessive or Foul-Smelling Gas Could Mean

If there is one subject few people discuss, passing gas just might be it. Don’t let your embarrassment keep you…

5 Signs Your Headache Is Not Normal

See your doctor as soon as possible if you experience any of these troubling symptoms. We all get headaches from…

Do Concussions Increase the Risk of Stroke or Brain Cancer?

Whether from a minor car accident or a game of flag football, concussions are surprisingly common. Concussions occur whenever the…

Nerve Pain: Is It Different From a Headache?

That nagging headache may not be a headache at all, but nerve pain caused by inflamed occipital nerves. You have…

When Should You See a Doctor About Your Headache?

It’s been days and what you thought was a regular tension headache hasn’t gone away. Is it time to go…

6 Myths About the Flu Shot

Flu season has officially started, but not everyone has been vaccinated yet. We share the facts behind some of the most…

9 Health Benefits of Eating Eggs for Breakfast

What came first the chicken or the egg? We may never know, but we do know there are many reasons…

Forgetfulness: What’s Normal, What’s Not

How well do you remember what you did last week? Memory loss is not always a sign of aging. Learn…

What Are the Symptoms of Acoustic Neuroma?

John S. Oghalai, MD, chair of the USC Caruso Department of Otolaryngology – Head and Neck Surgery at Keck Medicine…

Under Pressure: How Minimally Invasive Glaucoma Surgery Saved a Promising, Young Student’s Eyesight

In March 2019, Namita Sarraf’s life changed. She began suffering episodes of redness, pain, and light sensitivity in her left…