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Your Body at 40, 50, 60 and 70

As we progress through adulthood, our bodies continue to change. This four-part series will show you what to look out…

A Racing Pulse: How Fast Is Too Fast?

If your heart is beating so fast it feels like it’s about to burst, you could have a serious condition…

Take Small Steps Today to Improve Future Health

What lifestyle changes can you make now — and how might they pay off later? Read about two simple strategies…

Is There Relief for Sciatica?

Do you feel a sharp, knifelike pain radiating down your leg or an ache in your lower back? It may…

Heart Disease Is the Biggest Threat to Women's Health. Many Don’t Even Know

Less than half of American women know the biggest threat to their health is heart disease. Learn more about it…

What You Need to Know About Diverticulitis

Pain in your lower left abdomen is a hallmark of this surprisingly common condition. If you’re 40 or older, there’s…

3 Reasons You Might Have Rib Cage Pain

Learn the symptoms of each condition and what treatment to expect. Pain in your chest can be scary — you…

6 Sneaky Reasons You’re Gaining Weight

If your clothes are getting tight or the number on the scale is going up, one of these issues could…

Everything You’ve Ever Wanted to Know About Kidney Stones

You’ve probably heard that passing a kidney stone can be very painful, but you might not know exactly what they…

This Science-Backed Diet Could Help Overhaul Your Health

What the DASH diet lacks in social media buzz, it more than makes up for with a research-based eating plan.…

5 Easy-to-miss Signs of Diabetes

This common condition can sneak up on you — here’s what to look for, so you can see it coming.…

Achy Back? You May Be Sitting Too Much

Sitting for hours on end can be a part of modern life, but sometimes, it can lead to back problems.…