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When Blindness Attacks: How Research and Cutting-Edge Clinical Techniques Saved a Woman’s Sight

Vanessa Ho was just beginning her Saturday morning when she suddenly felt intense pain and blurry vision in her right…

From Silhouettes to Sight: How a Keratoprosthesis Corrected One Patient’s Lifelong Struggle with Vision

Ever since Roslymn Caldwell was born, she had eye conditions. What began as a lazy eye in childhood advanced to…

Under Pressure: How Minimally Invasive Glaucoma Surgery Saved a Promising, Young Student’s Eyesight

In March 2019, Namita Sarraf’s life changed. She began suffering episodes of redness, pain, and light sensitivity in her left…

June Is Cataract Awareness Month

It may come as a surprise to many that among all of the blinding conditions that exist, cataracts are the…