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When Blindness Attacks: How Research and Cutting-Edge Clinical Techniques Saved a Woman’s Sight

Vanessa Ho was just beginning her Saturday morning when she suddenly felt intense pain and blurry vision in her right…

It’s Workplace Eye Wellness Month, What Serious Dangers are at Your Job?

Whether you’re a full-time employee or a freelancer working from the comfort of home, it’s important to be aware of…

What Are the Signs of Angle Closure Glaucoma?

Patients with angle closure glaucoma may first notice intermittent headaches, eye pain, and halos around lights. Alternatively, they may have…

From Silhouettes to Sight: How a Keratoprosthesis Corrected One Patient’s Lifelong Struggle with Vision

Ever since Roslymn Caldwell was born, she had eye conditions. What began as a lazy eye in childhood advanced to…

5 Reasons Why You Might Have the Chills

Are chills serious? Shivering and goose bumps can accompany a wide range of conditions, from a too-cold environment to cancer.…

5 Easy-to-miss Signs of Diabetes

This common condition can sneak up on you — here’s what to look for, so you can see it coming.…

Do Concussions Increase the Risk of Stroke or Brain Cancer?

Whether from a minor car accident or a game of flag football, concussions are surprisingly common. Concussions occur whenever the…