
Beating Brain Tumors

How the USC Brain Tumor Center is bringing new hope and treatments to brain cancer patients When 64-year-old Felicitas Gonzales…

Sleep Apnea Surgery Brings Sweet Dreams

Jose Salas had been dealing with sleep apnea for 15 years. Instead of joining colleagues for lunch at work, he…

Are Organic Tampons Better for You?

Organic tampons have entered the market as the ‘all-natural’ cousins of conventional tampons. Here’s what you need to know before…

Your Body at 40, 50, 60 and 70

As we progress through adulthood, our bodies continue to change. This four-part series will show you what to look out…

Illnesses You Can Pick Up at the Beach

You know to watch out for stingrays and sharks, but do you know about the bacteria and viruses you might…

5 Questions to Ask at Your next Physical

The right question can reveal a lot about your health. Your annual checkup is more important than you may think.…

Your Body at 60

Forget images of early bird specials, grannies and rocking chairs. Today’s young-at-heart 60-year-olds are embracing an active and healthy lifestyle.…

Your Body at 50

Your 50s might bring some changes in your body — here’s how to handle what’s in store. We’ve all heard…

What Is Platelet-rich Plasma Therapy?

You may have heard about the healing properties of platelet-rich plasma, or PRP, therapy. Here’s what science currently says about…

Treating Epilepsy With Targeted Surgery

Patients at the USC Comprehensive Epilepsy Center receive the highest level of care, backed by innovative research. On an ordinary…

7 Everyday Things That Can Trigger Hearing Loss

It’s not just lawn mowers and leaf blowers that can impact your hearing. Find out about ordinary sounds that are…

10 Tips for Your Best Race-Day Running Experience

Seth Gamradt, MD, an orthopedic surgeon who specializes in sports medicine at Keck Medicine of USC, shares some key factors…