
Your Body at 70

Who says you have to ‘age out’ of good health? With modern medicine and healthy choices, you can stay fit…

Illnesses You Can Pick Up at the Beach

You know to watch out for stingrays and sharks, but do you know about the bacteria and viruses you might…

How to Tell If You Have Nasal Polyps

Do you have a runny or stuffed up nose? There might be more to your symptoms than just a head…

Is There Relief for Sciatica?

Do you feel a sharp, knifelike pain radiating down your leg or an ache in your lower back? It may…

What You Need to Know About Endometriosis

This gynecologic condition can cause symptoms from chronic pelvic pain to infertility — or none at all. If you spend…

When Is Surgery the Right Choice for Back Pain?

Back surgery is anything but simple. Consider these 4 points before you decide. Since surgery for back pain involves the…

Is Arm Numbness and Tingling Ever Cause for Concern?

Numbness and tingling in your left arm or right arm isn’t always caused by poor body mechanics. Read on to…

The Ability to Blink: How Oculoplastics Saved a Burn Victim’s Eyelids

When Joe Cruz had a car accident in Northern California, burn marks left his face so devastated that he lost…

What Toll Is the Sun Taking on Your Eyes?

Our eyes play a powerful role in bringing the world around us into focus and giving us visual perception of…

From Silhouettes to Sight: How a Keratoprosthesis Corrected One Patient’s Lifelong Struggle with Vision

Ever since Roslymn Caldwell was born, she had eye conditions. What began as a lazy eye in childhood advanced to…

What You Need to Know About Diverticulitis

Pain in your lower left abdomen is a hallmark of this surprisingly common condition. If you’re 40 or older, there’s…

Under Pressure: How Minimally Invasive Glaucoma Surgery Saved a Promising, Young Student’s Eyesight

In March 2019, Namita Sarraf’s life changed. She began suffering episodes of redness, pain, and light sensitivity in her left…